On Tuesday 6/27/2017 another massive ransomware attack hit the world. This one is known as ‘Petya’ appears to have originated from a highly sophisticated Russian strain of the WannaCry strand that hit back in May 2017. The ransomware, if launched, will encrypt all files on the user’s computer, making them unusable. The ‘worm’ also transmits […]
URGENT Malware/Ransomware Newsletter – May 2017 As you may have heard, a new threat has emerged on the internet known as WannaCry (AKA Wcry and WannaCryptor), although the exploit is not new as far as what it does, this latest ransomware threat has already crippled companies overseas and has started to show up in the […]
DNS Texas Offsite Backup Solutions What is your backup strategy? What would happen if your home or small business office were a victim of fire, flood, theft, tornado or even ransomware/virus? Can you afford to lose the photos, music, videos and documents stored on your computer(s)? This is a question most people, when asked, answer […]