MyIP @
Welcome to IP-ADDY.COM
(hosted by DNS Texas)

Use this page to find your external public IP address (myIP) and location information.  An IP Address (Internet Protocol Address) is a unique identifier for each device connected to the internet. It is essential for communication between computers, both local and global. Understanding and knowing your public IP Address(es) can be helpful when setting up a network, troubleshooting, or when configuring certain services within your firewall/router.  This can also be useful to determine if your traffic is going out of a VPN tunnel or not.

The following is your reported IP address information:

     IP Address:


Continent North America
Country United States
Country Code US
Region OH
Region Name Ohio
City Dublin
Latitude 40.0992
Longitude -83.1141
Time Zone America/New_York
Currency USD
ISP, Inc.
Browser Unknown
Operating System Unknown OS Platform

Tags: #myip #ipaddress #publicip #whatismyip #ip-addy #dnstexas
